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  • caitlinvarty6


As parents, we often focus on the five senses when it comes to our children's development - sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. However, did you know that there are actually 8 senses that play a crucial role in how our children interact with and understand the world around them?

Interoception is the first of the lesser-known senses that we should be aware of as parents. This sense allows our children to understand and feel what is happening inside their bodies, such as when they are hungry, need to use the bathroom, or are feeling unwell. Helping our children tune into their interoceptive sense can lead to better self-regulation and awareness of their own needs.

The vestibular sense is responsible for helping our children understand and navigate their own body movements and balance. This sense is crucial for activities such as riding a bike, jumping, and even sitting still in a chair. Providing opportunities for our children to explore different movements and positions can help strengthen their vestibular sense.

Proprioception is the sense that allows our children to understand where their bodies are in relation to the space around them. This is important for activities such as handwriting, playing sports, and even simple tasks like picking up objects. Encouraging activities that involve pushing, pulling, and lifting can help improve our children's proprioceptive sense.

Of course, the tactile sense is one that most parents are familiar with. This is the sense that allows our children to understand and process different textures and sensations through touch. Providing a variety of tactile experiences, such as playing with different materials and textures, can help our children develop and strengthen their tactile sense.

Vision, taste, smell, and hearing are senses that we are all familiar with, but it's important to remember that these senses play a crucial role in how our children experience the world around them. Providing opportunities for our children to engage and explore these senses through activities such as cooking, gardening, and listening to music can help them develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around them.

As parents, it's important to remember that our children's development is not just limited to the five senses we are most familiar with. By understanding and nurturing all 8 senses, we can help our children develop a strong foundation for interacting with and understanding the world around them. So let's embrace the 8 senses and all the wonderful experiences they have to offer!

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